Unspeakable Community. Site-Specific Immersive Performance. 2022
Moabiter Stadttgarten, ZK/U-Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik. Berlin (DE)

Unspeakable Community is an ongoing project with further manifestations being planned for 2024-25. 
Documentation (including audience testimonials) are available upon private request. Please feel welcome to write Euna at archive@euna-kim.com if you are interested.

Artistic Direction, Concept, Choreography: Grace Euna Kim

Performers (main): Sergio Guerra Abril, Pauli Caldirola, Nicola Campanelli, Katherine Rojas Contreras, Simona Dervishi, Cecilia Feng, Dmytro Grynov, Alexandra Hanisch, Amr Karkout, Tomoya Kawamura, Lea Piontek, Manoela Rangel, Gina Osuna Sanchez, Giulia Machado Rossi,Tsz Chung Shiu

Performers (supporting): Denis Esakov, Hoang Tran Hieu Hanh, Mandy Lan, Stefanie Schairer, Nine Yamamoto

Production Manager: Marenka Krasomil
Production Assistance: Vicky Kouvaraki, Patrycja Maslowska
Lighting: Andreas Tiedemann
Guerilla Video Projection: Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez
Hidden Camera: Anna Ilin, Philip Treschan, Valentin Wedde
Special Thanks: ZK/U, Philip Horst, Ioanna Polydorou, Jakob Wolski, Visar Morina

Unspeakable Community has been generously supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance. Co-funded by the Gwärtler Stiftung.

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