ABOVE: Short sound clip

Dance Party (the apocalypse is disappointing). Lake Studios. Berlin, 2019

Dance Party (the apocalypse is disappointing) is part of an ongoing series that explores psychic, symbolic violence, and the body as a site of resistance in crisis. In this sense violence is examined not only as an invisible sociopolitical mechanism and condition, but also as a method of resistance and poetic action. The work is a further development of the Acid Bodies research; the performers were all participants of the Acid Bodies workshop actions.

Each blind, morphing, falling character was developed through embodied investigations that unpacked each person as a social and political subject, and that which they wished to rewrite and activate through the microcosm of their own body. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
In a sense the work attempts to reconcile the fear and precarity that often derails any possibility of real radical change. Can (imaginary) violence be embraced not as that which threatens or destroys, but that which emancipates and reclaims our collective future? How might violence enable new forms of language, togetherness, and love?⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ How might the ‘fall’ empower, rather than weaken?
Concept, Artistic Direction, Choreography: Grace Euna Kim

Performers (main): Georg  Buchheister, Anne-Sophie Debrabant, Vicky Kouvaraki, Pat Maslowska, Luisa Spina
Performers (wall): Alessia Arbustini, Burcu Ateş, Camille Mojon, Chiara Bontacchio, Daphne Rüde, Karina Shabanova, Kuzanna Zolupajlo, Marco Poio, Marianne Marianne, Nicolas SanMartin, Léna Sophia Bagutti, Tania Turcan, Tim Isherwood, Ömer Çetinkaya

Camera: Marjorie Brunet Plaza, Alvaro Rodriguez, Nobutaka Shomura
Production Assistant: Ula Liagaite

The performance was developed under the framework of the Double Bill Residency, supported by the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.

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