Unspeakable Community. Site-Specific Immersive Performance. 2022
Moabiter Stadtgarten, ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics. Berlin (DE)

Have you ever felt that things are so fucked up that you don’t know whether to laugh or cry? Such moments of crisis often lead to failures of language, through which projections of fear, antagonism, negation, and political impotence are triggered and empowered. The performance “Unspeakable Community” explores such collapses in meaning and their potential for individual and collective worldmaking. 

Unspeakable Community is the first of an ongoing performance series, with new manifestations being planned for 2025 in Berlin. Documentation is available upon private request. Please feel welcome to write Euna at graceeunakim@gmail.com if you are interested.

“Unspeakable Community is an interesting and original call to live an absurd and surreal moment of madness and freedom. It’s very praiseworthy the courage of the Korean-American choreographer to offer an intense and unexpected experience that is out of the scheme and that has a deep and healing effect.” 
- Gabrielle Mambrini, 'Campadidanza' dance magazine

“Thank you for last night at ZK/U. and thank you to your wonderful performers. This was the most violent, groundshaking experience that I’ve had in the performing arts in a very long time. A highly important nightmare. [...] Relationships of power and oppression are evoked, space is seized, bodies are touched, readings of a multitude of binary power relations - from gender to colonization - open up without being mutually exclusive. It is a school of affects, a descent of emotions and their interrogation. How long can one look? How long can one look away? What to do with the powerlessness of the bystanders, with a motionless empathy, the revolt of the silent? And where may the border of art be drawn; where in the agreed space of
the performance may impulses be rejected or: How important is it to take a stand as a spectator, also in the artistic space?
- Christin Eckart, Theatermaker & Cultural Worker 


Artistic Direction, Concept, Choreography: Grace Euna Kim

Performers (main): Sergio Guerra Abril, Pauli Caldirola, Nicola Campanelli, Katherine Rojas Contreras, Simona Dervishi, Cecilia Feng, Dmytro Grynov, Alexandra Hanisch, Amr Karkout, Tomoya Kawamura, Lea Piontek, Manoela Rangel, Gina Osuna Sanchez, Giulia Machado Rossi,Tsz Chung Shiu

Performers (supporting): Denis Esakov, Hoang Tran Hieu Hanh, Mandy Lan, Stefanie Schairer, Nine Yamamoto, Parkomplex Collective (Dewen/Joshua)

Production Management: Marenka Krasomil
Production and Dramaturgical Assistants: Vicky Kouvaraki, Patrycja Maslowska
Lighting: Andreas Tiedemann
Guerilla Video Projection: Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez
Hidden Camera: Anna Ilin, Philip Treschan, Valentin Wedde
Special Thanks: ZK/U, Philip Horst, Ioanna Polydorou, Jakob Wolski, Visar Morina, Nora Amin, Daphne Rüde

Unspeakable Community has been generously supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance. Co-funded by the Gwärtler Stiftung.

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